De Motu Conference (change of date)
Note that the below conference has moved to October 2022 (rather than May/ June 2022):
DE MOTU : Text, Context and Perspectives
Aix-Marseille University,
Aix-en-Provence Campus, France
October 3rd-7th, 2022
One of George Berkeley’s most notable contribution to the philosophy of science, De Motu (1721), appeared between two productive periods in Berkeley’s life: ten years after the early period (1709-1713), and ten years before the second period of active publication (1732-1744). To celebrate the 301st anniversary of this event, we are now inviting distinguished scholars to a conference on De Motu, devoted to its doctrine on causation and prediction, its connection with Berkeley’s early works and, how it influenced his later works, but also its significance in the history of the philosophy of science. De Motu is regarded as one of the most significant attempts to analyze some of the major concepts of Newton’s physics. It provides, as Popper noticed, perspectives on contemporary epistemological and scientific doctrines.
The conference takes place at the Maison de la Recherche, Aix-Marseille Université, France. The conference is sponsored by the International Berkeley Society and the Centre Gilles Gaston Granger. Anyone interested to participate in the conference should send an abstract to one of the organizers before December 1st 2021.
The conference is organized by Bertil Belfrage and Pascal Taranto. For further information, please contact one of the organizers:
Bertil Belfrage,
Pascal Taranto,