
ibsThe International Berkeley Society was founded in 1975 to promote interest in the life and work of the philosopher Bishop George Berkeley. It is open to all who share an interest in the life and works of this many-sided man. We invite you to become a member of the Society: the annual dues are $25/year and can be paid up to three years in advance. Lifetime memberships are also available. Dues for the calendar year can be renewed as early as Oct. 15, but they should be renewed at least by Berkeley’s birthday, March 12.

As part of their membership, supporters receive the regular publication Berkeley Briefs.

Members are invited to donate to the Society’s Research Fund to help support translations, publications, conference travel for young scholars, and other projects that enhance Berkeley scholarship. Members are also invited to add a voluntary donation to support the valued Berkeley library in our Study Center at the Whitehall Museum House, Middletown, RI.

You can become a lifetime member of the Society for a donation of $1000. Of that amount, $500 goes into the Society’s general fund as dues, $400 is committed to the Research Fund, and $100 is added to the Whitehall library fund. Payment of a lifetime membership may be stretched over a five year period as long as the member does not miss two consecutive years of payments. Anyone who misses two consecutive years of payments automatically reverts back to annual membership status without reimbursement.

You can join the Society by clicking on the Membership and Donations link below. You may pay annual dues and make other contributions by using a PayPal account or credit card.

Membership and Donations

If you prefer to pay for dues and other contributions by check, please send your name, address and institutional affiliation (if you have one) along with your check to:

Keota Fields
Department of Philosophy
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
285 Old Westport Road
North Dartmouth, MA 02747-2300
  • Money should be sent in U.S. dollars only. It is difficult and expensive for us to process checks in other than American dollars.
  • Because of increased costs, we will no longer accept checks drawn on bank accounts outside the U.S.
  • Dues renewal date each year is Berkeley’s birthday, 12 March.
  • Checks should be made payable to the International Berkeley Society.
  • Please indicate whether you would like to receive Berkeley Briefs by email or surface mail.