13 – 16 June 2018, International Berkeley Conference: Berkeley In Context, Redwood Library and Athenæum, Newport, RI

Berkeley in Context
Redwood Library, Newport, Rhode Island, USA June 13 – 16 2018
Click for the conference abstracts.
Wednesday June 13
09:00 Registration
09:30 Opening of the Conference: Chair: Bertil Belfrage
Welcome to Newport: Nancy Kendrick
Morning Session
Chair: Stephen Daniel
09:45 Bertil Belfrage, “Berkeley’s Analysis of ‘The Nominal Essence of the Soul'”
10:30 Adam Grzeliński, “The Conception of Knowledge in the Notebooks: Berkeley’s References to the Fourth Book of Locke’s Essay”
11:15 Coffee break
11:30 Artem Besedin, “What is the Manuscript Introduction an Introduction to?”
12:15 Lunch
Afternoon Session
Chair: Martha Brandt Bolton
14:00 Nancy Kendrick, “Berkeley and Astell on Passive Obedience and Locke’s Social Contract”
14:45 Marta Syzmańska-Lewoszewska, “Berkeley’s Early Concept of Toleration in the Irish Context”
15:30 Coffee break
15:45 Daniel Carey, “Swift, Berkeley and Irish Currency”
16:30 Manuel Fasko, “The Hostile Bishops? Reassessing the Relationship between the Bishops of Cloyne and Cork”
17:15 Wine and cheese reception (Redwood Library)
Thursday June 14
Morning Session
Chair: Melissa Franke
09:00 Jennifer Marušić, “Moral Motivation in Alciphron III and Berkeley’s Contemporaries”
09:45 Pascal Taranto, “Berkeley and Browne on Divine Analogy”
10:30 Coffee break
10:45 Marc Hight, “Moving Our Legs Ourselves: How Berkeley Does Not Differ From Malebranche”
11:30 Lunch
Afternoon Session
Chair: Pascal Taranto
13:30 Luc Peterschmitt, “How did Berkeley read Newton?”
14:15 A. David Kline, “Berkeley, Newtonian Forces and Underdetermination of Theory by Data”
15:00 Coffee break
15:15 Ofra Shefi, “Berkeley’s Will: Power vs. Forces in Newton, Berkeley and Hume”
16:00 Scott Harkema, “Berkeley on the Newtonian Concept of Matter”
17:00 Catered reception (Norman Bird Sanctuary)
Friday June 15
Morning Session
Chair: Georges Dicker
09:00 Stephen H. Daniel, “The Role of the Mind in Determining Berkeley’s Un-Lockean Characterization of Ideas”
09:45 Patrick Connolly, “Locke, Berkeley, and the Nature of Ideas”
10:30 Coffee break
10:45 Martha Brandt Bolton, “Berkeley and Shepherd on Sensible Objects”
11:30 Lunch
Afternoon Session
Chair: Adam Grzeliński
13:30 Keota Fields, “Berkeley and Shepherd on Visual Perception: Mental Atomism vs. Mental Holism”
14:15 Melissa Frankel, “Materialism and Scepticism: Locke Berkeley, and Shepherd on the External World”
15:00 Interactive gallery of early editions in the Redwood’s collection
16:00 Wine and cheese reception (Whitehall Museum House)
Saturday June 16
Morning Session
Chair: A. David Kline
09:00 Jessica Gordon-Roth, “What We Learn from Tracing Reid’s ‘Brave Officer Objection’ Back to Berkeley and Beyond”
09:45 Peter West, “Berkeley, Reid, and the ‘Way of Ideas'”
10:30 Coffee break
10:45 Ville Paukkonen, “Berkeley’s Debt to Descartes: New Theory of Vision and the Critique of ‘geometric optics'”
11:30 Lunch
Afternoon Session
Chair: George Pappas
13:30 Timothy Quandt, “Berkeley, Johnson, and the Problem of Idealist Theodicy”
14:15 Richard Brook, “Berkeley, Samuel Johnson, and Divine Causality”
15:00 Conference Farewell