Author Meets Critics Session: George Berkeley and Early Modern Philosophy (calls for interest)

The International Berkeley Society will be hosting an Author-Meets-Critics session at the 2024 Central Division APA Meeting in New Orleans.  The focus of the session will be Steve Daniel’s George Berkeley and Early Modern Philosophy (Oxford: 2021).  We are seeking scholars interested in offering reflections on and responses to this important recent book.  The plan is to have 3 or 4 readers offer comments on Daniel’s book followed by a response from Prof. Daniel and Q&A.  The conference will be held February 21-24, 2024 at the Astor Crown Plaza New Orleans French Quarter. 

If you are interested in chairing this session or in commenting on Prof. Daniel’s book then please send an email and CV to Patrick Connolly at by July 15, 2023.  For commentors, it would also be helpful to indicate which chapter(s) of the book you would most like to address.  The table of contents can be seen here:  Please contact Patrick Connolly with any questions. 

George Berkeley and Early Modern Philosophy eBook : Daniel, Stephen H.: Kindle Store