6th-9th April 2010, International Berkeley Conference, Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Organized by Richard Glauser, the conference was held at the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Celebrating the 300thanniversary of the publication of Berkeley’s Treatise concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge (1710), the IBS-sponsored event included scholars from Europe, North America, and Japan who, in addition to exchanging ideas about Berkeley’s thought, enjoyed a reception at Palais du Peyrou and a conference dinner. A meeting of the International Berkeley Society was also held at the conference. The schedule included the following presentations:

  • Timo Airaksinen (Helsinki): “Visual Language: A Kantian Analysis”
  • Laura Berchielli (Clermont-Ferrand): “Berkeley on Language in the New Theory of Vision and the Principles”
  • Margaret Atherton (Wisconsin/Milwaukee): “The Nature of Berkeleianism: Lessons Learned from PHK 1-33”
  • Samuel Rickless (U. California, San Diego): “The Relation between Anti-Abstractionism and Idealism in Berkeley’s Metaphysics”
  • Keota Fields (Massachusetts/Dartmouth): “Transcendental Arguments in Berkeley’s Immaterialism”
  • Georges Dicker (SUNY Brockport): “Berkeley’s Challenge”
  • Martha Bolton (Rutgers): ” ‘The Most Abstract and Incomprehensible Idea of All’: Berkeley on Existence”
  • Katia Saporiti (Zurich): “A Bet with High Stakes: Reflections on Berkeley’s Master Argument”
  • Stephen Daniel (Texas A&M): “Berkeley’s Appropriation of Bayle’s Constitutive Skepticism”
  • Geneviève Brykman (Paris-X Nanterre): “Berkeley et le scepticisme pyrrhonien”
  • Marc Hight (Hampden-Sydney College, USA): “Imaging, Imagining, and Conceiving: Untangling Berkeley on Perception”
  • George Pappas (Ohio State): “Berkeley and Epistemic Fallibilism”
  • Daniel Schulthess (Neuchâtel): “Berkeleyan Ideas and Profiles: An Inquiry on Perspective”
  • Ville Paukkonen (Helsinki): “Berkeley’s Likeness Principle”
  • Dominique Berlioz (Rennes-I): “Percipere and Concipere: Berkeley’s Way to Abstraction and Knowledge”
  • James Hill (Prague): “Berkeley’s Notions: A Third Way between Empiricism and Innatism”
  • Laurent Jaffro (Paris-I Sorbonne): “Berkeley on Assent and the ‘Belief of Matter'”
  • Petr Glombicek (Prague): “Berkeley’s Notion of Common Sense”
  • Silvia Parigi (Gaeta): “Berkeley and Boyle: Qualitative Corpuscularianism and the Laws of Nature”
  • Luc Peterschmitt (Lille): “Berkeley’s Implicit Corpuscularianism in the Principles of Human Knowledge”
  • Claire Schwartz (Aix-Marseille): “A New Scientific Methodology? Metaphysical Principles and Physical Laws in De Motu”
  • Nancy Kendrick (Wheaton College, Massachusetts): “The Empty Amusement of Seeing: Berkeley on Causation and Explanation”
  • Reed Winegar (Pennsylvania): “Berkeley’s Escape from the Labyrinth”
    Richard Brook (Bloomsburg PA):”Berkeley and the Passivity of Ideas: A Look Again at PHK 25 and 26″
  • Marc Hight (Hampden-Sydney VA): “The Myth of Privacy”
  • Richard Glauser (Neuchâtel): “Revisiting Berkeley on the Sameness of What We Perceive”
  • Jani Hakkarainen (Tampere): “Ideas Are Ideas: Of the Ontological Status of Berkeley’s Ideas”
  • Bertil Belfrage (Lund, Sweden): “Berkeley’s Psychological Concept of Thinking Substance 1710”
  • Talia Mae Bettcher (California State, Los Angeles): “Berkeley’s Positive Notion of Substance”
  • Sébastien Charles (Sherbrooke, Québec): “Activité et passivité de l’esprit selon Berkeley”
  • Tom Stoneham (York): “Agency and Blind Agents”
  • Heta Gylling (Helsinki): “Prudentiality, Expediency and Afterlife”
  • Timothy Quandt (Fullerton CA): “Berkeley’s Immaterialism and the Evidential Problem of Evil”
  • Wolfgang Breidert (Karlsruhe): “God’s Role in Berkeley’s Philosophy”